Unlike a regularly solemnized marriage, Court Marriage is an economical and hassle-free alternative that lets couples from different nationalities, religions, and castes solemnize and register their union through a simple procedure that is carried out in the presence of a marriage registrar and 3 witnesses. our expert team of lawyers will help you in every step of proceedings and give you the best legal advice for process of court marriage in Delhi
Who needs a court marriage?
Individuals looking to tie a knot under the Special Marriage Act can opt for court marriages to legalize their marriage in an economical and hassle-free manner. we provide expert service for our clients for court marriage in Delhi.
Conditions for Court Marriage
Under Section 4 of The Special Marriage Act, the following rules are listed for court marriages in India:
1. The parties must meet the necessary conditions as listed in the act before signing the Civil Marriage Contract.
2. Neither of the parties should already be in a marriage while applying for the court marriage. If the previous spouse is deceased or divorced, then the court marriage can be obtained.
3. The parties entering the court marriage procedure must be doing so at their own free will i.e. there should be no pressure made on them for doing the same and neither of the parties should be of an unsound mind while entering into the procedure of court marriage.
4. Court marriage can only take place if both the bride and groom are of age as legally accepted in India i.e. for the bride it should be 18 years and above and for the groom it should be 21 years and above.
5. The parties to the marriage should not fall within the degree of prohibited relationship.
Affirmation that the parties are not related to each other within the degree of prohibited relationship defined in the Special Marriage Act.
4 Passport size photographs each of bride and groom
Residential Proof of both bride and groom
Proof of Date of Birth of both bride and groom
Notice of Intended Marriage duly signed by both bride and groom
Copy of divorce decree/order in case of a divorcee and death certificate of spouse in case of widow/widower.
Requirements from the three Witnesses individually for Court Marriage
One passport size photograph of each witness
Photocopy of PAN card of each witness
Photocopy of Identity Document of each witness
Contact us for Court Marriage in Delhi. our expert team of lawyers will help you in every step of proceedings and give you the best legal advice for court marriage in Delhi.
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